Ways To Give
Your donations help shape the future of our community.
Your support ensures that BGCSM can continue to keep our Clubs open to provide high-quality, affordable, and accessible programs and services to nearly 15,000 youth a year. Join our community to ensure bright futures for youth in Southeastern Michigan!

"Plan for the Future" Legacy Giving
We’ve partnered with FreeWill; a free online resource that allows you to make a gift to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan in your will in 20 minutes or less. When you include the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan in your estate plans, you ensure that generations of children and teens can benefit from the Club’s life-changing programs and services. Click here for more information or to get started: https://www.freewill.com/

Sponsor an Event
Your participation funds brighter futures for Southeastern Michigan’s youth. Each of our special events is vital to making Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan available to all youth. Your support, through attendance or a donation, allows us to continue to help young people on their path to success. Contact Tiffany Sula at tsula@bgcsm.org for more information

Stock & Mutual Fund
Easily donate your appreciated stocks and mutual funds to support our important work. For more information or to notify us of a transfer, please contact Esther Kyte at esther.kyte@bgcsm.org
Non-probate Assets
Non-probate assets such as an IRA, 401(k), or life-insurance policy are not covered in your will or trust and will need to be planned for separately. Using this free online tool you can log your assets, designate us as a beneficiary to empower youth in reaching their full potential. You will receive easy to follow instructions on how to set each one up with your broker. Get started now.

Every day, individuals like you make a positive difference in the lives of local youth at our Clubs. There are countless ways to get involve — like providing academic support, art instruction, general mentorship, coaching sports, and more. Email volunteer@bgcsm.org for volunteer opportunities.

In-Kind Gifts & Services
We welcome contributions of materials, goods, and services that help us reduce our costs and continue to provide high-quality programs for youth in Southeastern Michigan. We welcome technology, sporting equipment, furniture, art supplies, books, tickets to child-friendly events, school supplies, and pro-bono services. Please note that all donations are subject to review. Contact Tiffany Sula at tsula@ggcsm.org to learn more about what we currently accept.
Donor Privacy
We ensure that all sensitive information about our donors, including names and addresses, names of beneficiaries, nature and worth of estates, etc. will remain confidential unless the donor grants permission to use selective information for purposes of referral or testimonial.
BGCSM does not sell, rent, or lend names, emails, or addresses of donors to any outside individuals, businesses, or organizations. Mailing lists will not be available to outside organizations. The annual report and donor walls are public information and only provide giving levels.