Mental Health
Mental Health:
The Mentally Fit Program and BGCSM is a partnership with Wayne State University, University of Detroit Mercy, and Michigan School of Psychology. The program includes:
* individual therapy
* group therapy
* workshops
* parent coaching

Meet our Mentally Fit team:
Tiffany Abrego, PhD, LP - Executive Director of Behavioral Health and Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Tiffany Abrego has a joint appointment Wayne State University as an Associate Professor and the Boys and Girls Club. Dr. Tiffany completed her doctoral training at Eastern Michigan University in 2015, and worked as a medical school professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria for the past 6 years. She specializes in treatment and psychological assessment of children and adolescents with trauma, medical conditions, ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities. BGCSM is a training site for psychology doctoral students under her supervision. Her research focus is on outcomes of our community programming at BGCSM, in addition to obesity and executive dysfunction research. She is very passionate about spreading the word of mental health treatment, and reducing the stigma of seeking therapy and other treatments.
Molly Cory, PhD, DLLP – Operations Director of Mental Health and Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Molly Cory is a licensed psychologist who recently completed her postdoctoral training through Wayne State with a primary placement at BGCSM. Before coming to BGCSM, Dr. Molly graduated from the Child Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at DePaul University in Chicago and completed her predoctoral internship at nearby Hawthorn Center. Dr. Molly transitioned to a full-time position as Operations Director of Mental Health at BGCSM in fall 2023 and specializes in trauma-informed services with an emphasis on social justice and youth-led programming. She is committed to providing future clinicians with a high quality, supportive training environment as well as working closely with youth, staff, and families.